Hey guys!
So, if you haven't all clued in, I work quite a bit. For my internship this summer I'm working full time, but fairly long hours. For those of you on the same boat for the summer, or working full-time, I wanted to talk about my survival kit!

first of all, the bottle on the left is my tanning lotion for the days I go tanning after work (my eyewear is also thrown in there somewhere). Then I've got my wallet and my sunglasses. You can't seen the pocket too much, but I've got a few pens in there as well as a hand sanitizer and lotion!
But the four books in there are the most crucial to my daily routine!
1. The gold and white striped personal planner is what I use to keep track of everything and have it in one central place. It allows me to keep up my to-do lists and things wherever I am.
2. The Vacationers; the novel I'm currently reading is what I like to keep with me if I get a little time during lunch to take my mind of work and the real world a little bit!
3. The gold foiled Notebook, similar concept to the planner but a little less organized. I can use it to jot down anything from outfit ideas to budgeting rough drafts. I find it helpful to have an open space to put ideas on paper whenever my mind's wondering off from work.
4. A simple moleskin paperback notebook. I constantly need to jot things down on the spot while I'm at work, so I like to use this almost as organized scrap paper.
let me know what you need in your bag!
see yah soon,
Diana xx
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