Friday, May 27, 2016

Calm Cool and Collected

So as I've been learning to transition into adulthood, I've had to take myself much more seriously to convince everyone else to treat me half as serious. I suppose if I was seeing a tiny ball of joy, it'd be hard for me to keep a straight face as well.
But I had to take a few pictures with this outfit since it gave me a huge sensce of pride to know that Audrey and Jackey O would approve. 

I thought I'd share a little outfit Inspo with you all since it was one of my favourites. 

See yah soon,
Diana xx

Victoria Day Weekend

The Canadian start of summer was the weekend before American Memorial Day weekend this year. But, the weather decided to bless us with a gorgeous weekend and we kicked off the summer perfectly.

 I love hosting events and my friends have gotten used to the varying themes my "fiesta's" usually entail. This weekend, it was a Victoria Day Tailgate. This means mason jar drinks and sweet tea to chase. Our friends have gotten so comfortable in my home and our usual anticks that the growing years seem like nothing!

Not only that, but we've gotten more comfortable I'm knowing what's necessary for everyone to feel the most comfortable. A relaxed environment with food drinks and good music is the perfect recipe. A close friend has been the honorary DJ for years and my parents have been kind enough to offer up our home as the venue all these years.

With a bit of a hang over and a lot of sun, we woke up the Monday and head to beach in my topless Jeep. (After cleaning up the wreck that was left from the night before) The idea started with a drunk text to my best friend Monica at 4 am saying we should go to the beach. The hung over reply of "want to go today?" was all we needed to grab our bikini's and head off.

All-in-All it was a gorgeous weekend with great times and great friends. If the summer is a reflection of how this was at a glance of the great weather, I can't wait and I'm ecstatic to share it with you.

see yah soon

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

My Work Bag Essentials

Hey guys!
So, if you haven't all clued in, I work quite a bit. For my internship this summer I'm working full time, but fairly long hours. For those of you on the same boat for the summer, or working full-time, I wanted to talk about my survival kit! 

So here's a peak inside my Kate Spade leather tote, that allows me to carry just about everything!
first of all, the bottle on the left is my tanning lotion for the days I go tanning after work (my eyewear is also thrown in there somewhere). Then I've got my wallet and my sunglasses. You can't seen the pocket too much, but I've got a few pens in there as well as a hand sanitizer and lotion!

But the four books in there are the most crucial to my daily routine!
1. The gold and white striped personal planner is what I use to keep track of everything and have it in one central place. It allows me to keep up my to-do lists and things wherever I am.
2. The Vacationers; the novel I'm currently reading is what I like to keep with me if I get a little time during lunch to take my mind of work and the real world a little bit!
3. The gold foiled Notebook, similar concept to the planner but a little less organized. I can use it to jot down anything from outfit ideas to budgeting rough drafts. I find it helpful to have an open space to put ideas on paper whenever my mind's wondering off from work.
4. A simple moleskin paperback notebook. I constantly need to jot things down on the spot while I'm at work, so I like to use this almost as organized scrap paper.

let me know what you need in your bag!
see yah soon,
Diana xx

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Favourite Outfit of the Week

So, I'm sure no one's proud of all of their outfits, there's always that one day that you slack off a little. So I'm not going to show you my outfits for everyday of the week but I am going to show you my favourite work outfit, since i didn't go anywhere notable this week!

It was a very preppy look with a little bit of sass! Sunglasses: Raybans Pearls: Carolee 
Vest: Patagonia Watch: Michael Kors Shirt: American Eagle Pants: Le Chateau Shoes: Ramon Tenza

Hopefully you guys like this kind of post and I'll keep this up at the end of every week, adds a little more motivation for me as well! I've been loving how put together a pearl necklace can make an outfit. 

See yah soon, xx 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Panama Hat

So, please excuse how disheveled I look after work on Monday, but I came home to find my dad back from Panama with a gift from my cousins! This gorgeous sun hat, with the cutest floral bow I could have asked for!

 After regretting not buying myself a Panama hat the last time we went, the gift was perfect. Now that the weather's starting to warm up, I can't wait to wear it. There's even a strap that's easy to conceal and will keep the hat on for days that the jeep becomes a convertible. 

I can't wait to feature this hat when I post my Florida vlog, but I had to show it off before then! 

See yah soon, 
Diana xx 


Hollywood Cone

So, if you live on the eastern side of Toronto's suburbs, everyone and their mother have been raving about the place Hollywood Cones. It's in downtown Oshawa, but most people are making the drive out to try their infamous desserts! 
... Including me .. Twice .. Oops! We'll just have to go to the gym for once! 
These were the normal sized ice creams in a cup. Left: banana cream pie Right: S'mores Both: soft serve twist flavoured base. 
These are the mutant milkshakes both with a vanilla ice cream base. Left: the Office Wigum with two huge "Simpson's" styled doughnuts as well as a coffee flavoured shake! Right: The Nutella Lover. Nutella filled doughnuts with a Nutella shake! 

It's a small spot with bright lights and let me tell yah, the desserts could probably consider art work. Aside from the sight of them making you gave about 5 pounds right off the bat, they're delicious and a must-try! 

It was tons of fun to go and catch up with friends! 

See yah soon,
Diana xx 





Monday, May 2, 2016

Planner Preferences

For those of you who don't know, I'm a planner ADDICT. As a matter of fact, I'm addicted to pretty much anything stationary related; if we're being honest. Planner's seem to give my scattered brain some sanity. So, after using my Kate Spade Planner for the past year, I'll tell you why I'm off the moon about trying the MAMBI Happy Planner. None the less, Both of them will cover the next six months. So, I'll also be trying to balance the (in)practicality of having two planners. 

Here's a little run down of the two of them, 
They're both 18 months and start with a preview of the two years. That's about where the similarities end. 
The Kate Spade Planner ran from 2015-2016 and it's a horizontal planner which has a month overview and then a weekly view. Between months, there are simply polka-dot pages as dividers that give a lot of room for personalizing and decorating.
Being a full-time student in university who also is on a school team, and works, and has a social life, I found bullet points to be the only functional way to pencil things in. I like to add in the time and location and found this to fit quite awkwardly.
That is what started my hunt for a vertical planner. 
and then I found the "Me and My Big Ideas" Happy Planner!
This one runs from 2016-2017 but has custom rings that allow for inserts additional pages to be popped in. Literally. 
Aside from being extremely customizable, the planners themselves come in plenty of variations to really match your style. They're also newly available to Michael's Canada! and that means couponnnss. The Planner hasn't started just yet, but I'm dying to try it out!  

Can't wait to review which one works best for me,
see yah soon xx